We are happy to announce that as per April 1st, Humphrey Lau has joined DEIF as member of the board of directors. Humphrey will bring DEIF valuable experience in technology-driven, global B-to-B sales, as well as bringing his significant international leadership to the board. Furthermore, we know that Humprey’s values and ethics are of the highest standard and very much in sync with DEIF.
Humphrey holds a M.Sc. in engineering and has extensive experience from Novo/Novozymes and, notably, Grundfos, where he among other spent 9 years (2008-17) in Shanghai as the leader of Grundfos' 1600 employees in China. We got to know Humphrey during his time in China, and we have maintained contact during the years. After China, Humphrey worked for Grundfos Denmark, most recently as SVP responsible for Global Industry Business, and since December 2022, he has been the Group CEO of DESMI with 1200 employees in 27 countries and revenue of 1.9 billion DKK. DESMI delivers flow technology products (pumps, etc.) with the marine industry as its largest market.
Humprey will replace Peter Røpke, who will step down as member of the board after more than 8 years of service. We would like to extend a big thank you to Peter for his many years of dedication and valuable contribution to the success of DEIF.

Humphrey Lau & Toke Foss