XDi Upgrade Tool

XDi Upgrade Tool

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This upgrade tool version contains the new XDi platform software.

It will automatically upgrade XDi platform v. or units to platform v. when a library v.2xxx is installed.

This version can also upgrade platform software v2.0.0.0 & to without uploading the indicator library part again.

This means that the already made indicator selection and parameter setup will not be deleted or changed. After the update, the previously selected virtual indicator will start and work as before.

Upgrade from platform v.1xx.x to will automatically happen when needed and downgrade to a previous platform 1 library is still possible


Version based on version
• User Documentation removed from SW zip-file. To be fetched from doc. archive on www.deif.com

27. 03. 2018

This upgrade tool version contains the new XDi platform software.

It will automatically upgrade XDi platform v. or units to platform v. when a library v.2xxx is installed.

This version can also upgrade platform software v2.0.0.0 & to without uploading the indicator library part again.

This means that the already made indicator selection and parameter setup will not be deleted or changed. After the update, the previously selected virtual indicator will start and work as before.

Upgrade from platform v.1xx.x to will automatically happen when needed and downgrade to a previous platform 1 library is still possible


Version based on version
• Support for new platform 2 SW version

22. 12. 2017

This upgrade tool version contains the new XDi platform 2.00.1 software.
It will automatically upgrade XDi platform v.2.00.0 units to platform v.2.00.1 when a new library v.2xxx is installed.
This version can also upgrade platform software v2.00.0 to 2.00.1 without uploading the indicator library part again.
This means that the already made indicator selection and parameter setup will not be deleted or changed. After the update, the previously selected virtual indicator will start and work as before.
Up grade from platform v.1xx.x to 2.00.1 will automatically happen when needed and downgrade to a previous platform 1 library is still possible. 

Version based on version

  • Support for new platform 2 SW version

26. 07. 2017

Version based on version

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.
  • Deselect (forced update) of library now possible.

22. 03. 2017

Support for XDi-N

  • ​Upgrade or Downgrade of any platform
  • ​Fresh install of platform 1 and 2 are now possible.
  • ​Update of the platform 1 and 2 software are now possible.
  • ​It is possible to force an update to a fresh install of platform 1 and 2 software. 

See: SW UpdateTool_READ-ME V2.pdf for full installation and user instruction.


19. 11. 2015

Initial version

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