DVC 350/550 EasyReg Advanced Utility Software

DVC 350/550 EasyReg Advanced Utility Software

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New features:

  • Activation new analogue input mode for DVC 350.



  • Translations corrections for DVC 550.

17. 12. 2023

New features:

  • Activation new analogue input mode for DVC 350.



  • Translations corrections for DVC 550.

30. 09. 2022

New features:

  • DVC 350 support added.


  • Translations added.
  • The memorisation of the inversion of the inputs of the logic gates did not work.
  • Inaccessibility to the setting of the faster slower on the CosPhi network.

03. 05. 2021

New features:

  • PSS function in DVC550 is now supported.


  • Corrected an issue, where during the generation of the Easylog configuration file, the software could crash in function of the setting.
  • Corrected an issue, where the limits for analogue inputs used for for the voltage set point were not updated when a machine was selected.

28. 10. 2020

Trending issue now solved.

13. 02. 2020

Initial release


Minor graphical changes

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