Multi-line 300 GPU 300 ver. 1.x.x.

Multi-line 300 GPU 300 ver. 1.x.x.

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This software package consist of:

  • Multi-line 300, GPU 300
  • Bundled with DU 300 SW version

GPU 300


  • BSP version supported.

DU 300

New features:

  • Support for multiple menu levels.
  • Display shows a pop-up window for the user before going into service mode.
  • Informs the user about development of the software.


  • Support for PlantSupervision ver


  • IOM3.4: DO's are not shown on display and in PICUS.
  • Display is not loading min. and max. from parameters when they are changed.
  • Power derate temperature is not shown on DU until power cycle.
  • When changing type, DU sometimes freezes until it restarts.
  • DU300 reboot in view designer.
  • Not able to close alarm pop-up.
  • Alarm "trigger value" is not updated if the alarm is already in the alarm list.
  • DU300 does not check versions for individual REST resources.
  • View designer cannot add counters to counters template.

19. 11. 2019

This software package consist of:

  • Multi-line 300, GPU 300
  • Bundled with DU 300 SW version


  • BSP version supported.

04. 03. 2019

This software package consist of:

  • Multi-line 300, GPU 300
  • Bundled with DU 300 SW version

GPU 300


  • BSP version supported.

DU 300

New features:

  • Support for multiple menu levels.
  • Display shows a pop-up window for the user before going into service mode.
  • Informs the user about development of the software.


  • Support for PlantSupervision ver


  • IOM3.4: DO's are not shown on display and in PICUS.
  • Display is not loading min. and max. from parameters when they are changed.
  • Power derate temperature is not shown on DU until power cycle.
  • When changing type, DU sometimes freezes until it restarts.
  • DU300 reboot in view designer.
  • Not able to close alarm pop-up.
  • Alarm "trigger value" is not updated if the alarm is already in the alarm list.
  • DU300 does not check versions for individual REST resources.
  • View designer cannot add counters to counters template.

30. 09. 2016

This software package consist of:

  • Multi-line 300, GPU 300
  • Bundled with DU 300 SW version


GPU 300


  • Number of energy counters is reduced
  • Higher level of access restrictions in default user permission


  • Disabling custom logic will reset all outputs used in custom logic
  • It is now possible to connect three displays to one controller
  • Custom alarm will now clear status output when un-configured
  • Corrected a problem where an alarm could be frozen in shelve state
  • Energy counters are now more accurate


DU 300

No changes

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