AMC 600 IFM6.1 firmware package

AMC 600 IFM6.1 firmware package

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- Added support for up to 10 DP slaves for each master.
- Bumped EtherCAT revision to 9.


- PDOs for first four DP slaves allow exchange of 96 bytes. Remaining DP slaves are restricted to 42 bytes. Full flexibility can still be achieved via custom ESI xml.
- Removed PDOs from offline dictionary in ESI xml.

26. 10. 2022


- Added support for up to 10 DP slaves for each master.
- Bumped EtherCAT revision to 9.


- PDOs for first four DP slaves allow exchange of 96 bytes. Remaining DP slaves are restricted to 42 bytes. Full flexibility can still be achieved via custom ESI xml.
- Removed PDOs from offline dictionary in ESI xml.

09. 05. 2022


- Intellectual property verification
- Diagnosis messages in ESI xml for improved diagnostic


- uart_scif: Clear FIFO on break, overrun and if threshold reached


- Wrong read-out of actual bias/termination setting
- Potential buffer overflow in debug message in FDL layer
- uart_scif: Ensure FIFO is below threshold before clearing FIFO full flag (BOR-239)


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